Flat tire, dead battery, frozen wheel, rural Texas road...

I walked amongst the ruins of ancient civilizations all day today.

What a Sunday.



Captain Moreland has put together a list of suggested reading to help you prepare:

The Way of a Ship by Capt. Alan Villiers

Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana

Billy Budd by Herman Melville

The Last Grain Race by Eric Newbey

Men, Ships and the Sea by Capt. Alan Villiers

Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling

Youth by Joseph Conrad

Eagle Seamanship: A Manual for Square-Rigger Sailing by Lt. Edwin H. Daniels, Jr.

Clean, Sweet Wind by Douglas C. Pyle

Around Cape Horn (film, not a book) by Capt. Irving Johnson

June is coming fast.  

2 more weeks in Shiprock, then off to Texas, Florida, Boston, then China, Australia, and off to sea.  ​




Guest Writers On Careers In Family Medicine

Over the next few weeks a few of my colleagues are going to be writing in about their varied personal careers as Family Doctors.  

The first two will be from a friend who works as a hospitalist at a large medical center with a good portion of ICU patients, and the other works in a refugee clinic doing integrative medicine including acupuncture, Functional Medicine, and osteopathic manipulation.

​If you're interested, stay posted.


Post-call Headaches

I never know if post-call headaches are from postural muscle strain from exhaustion, caffeine withdrawal, dehydration, or hypoglycemia. 

Normal questions to have to ask when one's job regularly causes actual physical pain.

I knew I should have just become a UFC fighter.​